Not always a walk in the park...
We didn't intend on having a fifth child, yet were thrilled at his impending arrival. After going through the emotional roller coaster of five losses and never making it to term with any of our previous children, we (I) knew that my years of being pregnant were over, for my safety first and foremost. I felt complete in my decision to not have more children yet I was not ready to commit to a tubal at that point. Honestly, my husband was suppose to have a vasectomy, eventually. However, when I ended up needing a c-section 7 weeks early, the nurse and doctor (along with my husband) felt that since they were in there, they should just proceed with a tubal ligation. I remember feeling a bit pushed into the decision. However, I also remember discussing this with two physicians and a resident just a few days prior and they reassured me that there were no complications or problems after a tubal in regards to your hormones, emotions, periods, etc. So, with hesitation, I signed the waiver form, consenting to a tubal ligation that I have now come to regret.
You see, just over 15 months ago, I had a tubal ligation. Let me be very clear in the matter that I am not upset or depressed or regret the fact that I can't have anymore children . That isn't the issue at all. I am blessed with five wonderful children already! What I am upset with is what I was or more importantly, what I was not told by several doctors I had consulted with prior to my tubal ligation. For the last several months, I have researched many different sourses in hopes of finding the answers that I'm looking for.
I will be the first to admit that having this surgery changed who I am, as a woman, in many aspects. It not only changed me as a person but as a wife as well. Unfortunately, my husband can also attest to this. The only positive side to having the tubal, for me, was that I was no longer able to get pregnant. However, when I asked about potential risks and future complications a tubal could pose on my health, I was told over and over that there were none. I have since found out that these are merely the opinions of these physicians and not true for everyone. Not to mention, these opinions all came from men, who never have gone through a tubal ligation themselves. Now, I understand that these are doctors. These doctors went through years and years of schooling. That they see hundreds of patients a month. Yeah, I get all of that. However, I also know who I was...and who I am now. No doctor knows my body better than I do. Together, my husband and I, have pinpointed all of the issues I'm dealing with back to my tubal ligation. I am firm in my belief that I was not informed of all risks prior to the surgery. Had I been, I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would not have chosen a tubal.
So, why all of the disappointment post tubal? Well, long story short....having the tubal messed me up in so many ways. Now I am on a mission to relieve myself from the crap I've been dealing with for over the past year as well as inform women to do as much research that they can before committing to any surgical procedure. I have learned that a surgical procedure that could affect my future must be a medical neccessity and must weigh more than desire or convience.
This week, I have an appointment with my GYN to discuss the issues and where to go from here. Where it will lead me, I have no idea. I do hope that it at least provides me with some peace of mind and comfort. I am hoping that I, as well as my symptoms and issues, will be taken seriously and that we will be able to find a happy medium. I have been dealing with these issues since Feburary 2006. I was only 28 years old! I am now 30 and the things I am going through are not normal for my age!
Here is a website that is very good reading for anyone who is looking into a tubal or like me, has had post tubal complications that nobody will acknowledge.
Atrophic ovaries caused by distroying viens during a tubal surgery.
Also, take a look: Symptoms of Post Tubal Syndrome. and Symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Snydrome (PTLS) Unfortunately, I suffer from 25 of the 34 symptoms on the first page and 27 of the 45 on the second page. Why is it that we, as women, are not told about these risks? It sickens me.
And if you're interested in taking a look at other women who are in a battle about PTS, take a look here: Tubal Ligation Forum and Coalition for Post Tubal Ligation Women
Here are even more areas to read up on.
Tubal Ligation I.Q. Test
Tubal Ligation, post tubal ligation syndrome
Until next time...
Shoot, I realize that none of my links will come up. If interested in the links, please drop me an email at and I'll send them to you that way. They are also on my myspace blog, if you have access to that.
6 years ago
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