Monday, December 31, 2007

Ringing in the New Year

As each of you set out for your New Years Eve plans, remember to be safe! If your local, we are expecting 6-12 inches of snow to fall over the next 24 hours.

We are hosting our annual New Years Eve party here in our home. So far, we have five adults and 10 children running through the house, with more expected throughout the evening.

This afternoon, the boys and I went out to get last minute things for the gathering, including a new top for momma. Austin was such a helper in picking out a new shirt for me. So, I'll leave you with this before party photo of me. If I remember, I'll try to take a few during and then an after party shot.

Happy New Year, my friends!


Amy said...

Cute top. You keep looking cuter and cuter in your pics! You are quite photogenic. I am going to try to work harder to work out on my eliptical machine this year. We should encourage each other. I found it much easier to get in shape when I have some support and someone to keep me honest, uh I mean, keep me going. :)

Kitti said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you all have a wonderful year =) And you look so pretty in that new picture!

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