Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good News!

This week has been filled with good news.

The kids are on the mend with the exception of Katelyn. Her sickness has passed but we think she may have a UTI. Poor baby girl!

I'm feeling much better as far as the strep. Now I just wish the GI issues would shape up or ship out! (no pun intended)

Jonathon learned the proper use for a whoopie cushion this weekend. Cute, yes. Thank goodness he's only three.

Next week is spring break for me with my college classes. I can use the break.

My EMT Academy is only a couple weeks away from being complete. It's hard to believe that the end is in sight already. I've really enjoyed this class.

I had a job interview on Tuesday. It went very well and I left there feeling very positive. Today, I received another phone call asking me to return tomorrow for a peer interview (with the coworkers). I'll be doing that tomorrow morning. I'm hoping it goes as well as the first two have gone.

I have an exciting opportunity that lies ahead of me. I'm going to discuss it tonight with a friend to get a better grasp on it and see which direction I should go. It's there for me to grab, I just have to take hold and move forward.

Today, I landed two tickets to Sylvia Browne here at the Soaring Eagle Casino. I know that some people are against what she does but I am a firm believer and truly am intrigued by her work. I have wanted to see her for quite some time. It just so happens that my birthday is the day before so these will be a birthday gift for me! :D I'm taking my mom with me. I can't wait!

The sun is shining, the weather is warming up, and the kids are outdoors cleaning up the yard and doing their chores. All is good here!

I'm about to start dinner and then head out for a while before I receive a phone call that could change things for us.

Until then, here is a conversation between Jacob, Austin and I. It's quite amusing...

Jake: Mom, why don't you ever have any money?

Me: What do you mean?

Jake: When Dad gives you money, you never have any left.

Me: Well, I use that money for the things like groceries and stuff we may need.

(Austin pipes in...)

Austin: Mom gets the NEEDS, not the wants.

Jake: Mom gets the wants though too.

Austin: No dad does!

Jake: No, Mom does!

Austin: No, Mom and Dad get the wants!

**We sure do kids...we sure do!***

Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Mandy said... I am jealous! I want to see Sylvia Browne!!! Joyce says she will go with you if you have a spare ticket lol!
We love her too! We watched her on Montel!
Glad to hear things are better for your family...also thank you for the thoughts and wishes to us on not smoking...I am trying the best I can at this point.

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