Sunday, April 19, 2009

Journey to a new Me

Even though I had a very disturbing afternoon, I have still managed to be without soda for over 24 hours.

Twenty Four Very Long Hours

There are a couple things that are getting me "through" right now. Grapes, Strawberries, Watermelon and Pineapple. I have also been drinking water, OJ and Kiwi Strawberry Propel. Which reminds me...did you know:

Mountain Dew vs Propel (16.9 oz)
240 calories vs 20
90mg sodium vs 160
65 total carbs vs 5
65g sugars vs 4g

Also, one pound of body fat is equal to 3500 calories. In addition to that, I read on a website that a 20 oz bottle of Mt. Dew has approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. The sugar in five 20oz pops equals 1,920 calories! Almost 2,000 calories!!!

For those of you that don't realize what a tough challenge that is for me, I can only stress how much of an addiction I have to soda and caffiene. it would not be uncommon for me on any given day to consume 2-4 20oz sodas. That's approximately 768 to 1536 calories per day from ONLY soda! Talk about empty, nonnutritional calories.

After the recent visit with my physician, we had a candid talk about the hold that "pop" had on me. It truly is an addiction, much like smoking or drinking. I found myself craving it so much. There were times that I didn't have any in the house and would leave in the middle of the evening just to go get a soda to satisfy the craving. It was that bad!

I'm not someone who particularly likes sweets. I don't like chocolate. My body can't tolerate ice cream. And so, my craving was for soda and the energy (although short lived) it provided me with.

It has taken me a good two weeks to convince myself that I can do this. I will kick this soda habit. And in the end, I will feel like a totally different person. A much healthier person. Someone who isn't drinking soda after soda just trying to make it through the next couple hours only to have my sugar levels crash at warp speeds, requiring even more to satisfy the cravings.

And so, I have begun the journey to a new me. Hopefully having an end result with less of me.

I'm hesitant to post exactly what my goals are. I realize now that it is because I am afraid of failure. Nobody wants to fail. Especially when you have people reading your inner most thoughts on a topic such as being addicted to something or as you battle the bulge. I thought if I could keep my failures to myself, I wouldn't be "failing" in public. Honestly, I have only been fooling myself. I now realize that.

And so, I will put my goals down on paper tonight and I will share them with my readers. My hope is that it will keep me motivated as I travel this up hill journey.

I have lost weight since I have started this only 3 days ago but for now, I think I am going to post weight changes once a week. That may change, we will see. :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Dora said...

Hey Bec!
I KNOW you can do moment at a time.
I'm rooting for ya :)
BTW - I'm in Rincon at Momma's house for business this week so that's where the Rincon, GA visitor is coming from.

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