Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's Time...

We're just over 2 hours until I need to be at the hospital. I've dropped the kids off at school, handed them their notes to ride the bus home with their cousin, and have made it back home. Tim, Jonathon & Em are all sleeping still so I'm trying to waste a bit more time before having to wake them up.

My tummy handled everything well until about 5:15am. From then on, I've had nothing but gurgling and churning. Overall, I think I ended up with about 2 hours of sleep. That's not too bad, I suppose. Afterall, I'll be getting one heck of a nap here in another few hours.

My nerves aren't going crazy...yet! I'm sure that is to come as I pull into the parking lot. I'm thankful that they have an order ready to go for versed when I arrive. I've never been a patient person when it comes to these types of things!!

Other than my tummy, I am feeling great this morning. Isn't that ironic? Of course, I know this is the calm before the storm. There will be many days I'm feeling crummy, no doubt, but after this is all over, I'm sure I'll look back at my anxiety and chuckle. I've been told the feelings and emotions are all "normal" for this stage in the game. That's a plus...at least I'm somewhat "normal" right?

I have faith that my doctor will have the guidance he needs to do the job that needs to be done. I know that I am in good hands and I know that He will watch over me. I am strong, fairly healthy, and this surgery will go perfectly!!

I love you all...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have every finger crossed and am sending up prayers all day for you. I know you will pull out of this just fine. Please let us know as soon as you are up to it, how it all went!


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