Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another one bites...

I wrote this entry and then realized something very important. Even though I have had a heck of a week, I realized that a very special friend of mine has been living a nightmare. Tonight, a very dear friend of mine sits with her infant daughter and her husband at U of M. The child had open heart surgery this afternoon. By the grace of God, she came through surgery and was in recovery when I spoke to her mom. Unfortunately, they live many miles (and towns) from the hospital and are away from their other children during this difficult time. In addition, dad has no more vacation time left so everyday he spends with his daughter and wife are a day spent without making money. I ask that you pray for them tonight. Pray for the health and safety of their daughter. Pray for strength and rest for the parents. And pray that all financial issues will be taken care of for them. For that, I thank you.

And now back to your regularly scheduled complaining...

Since Sunday, we have successfully managed to spread "the bug" among everyone in the household as well as numerous unsuspecting souls, I'm sure. Of course, it wasn't intentional but with children, it's always possible.

Emilee's symptoms consisted of a really bad tummy ache, horrible headache, and extremely high fever that peaked a couple of times at 104.9. Motrin was our best friend for a few days. Her bout with it lasted about 48 hours, or a tad more.

Katelyn's symptoms were the same. Fever not quite as high. Motrin was necessary around the clock. She missed 3 days of school this week. Doctors appointment confirmed that it was not strep today but just a viral infection that is running rampant everywhere.

Austin was symptom free...until today! He woke up with a bad headache. He insisted to just have Motrin and proceed on with his school day. After all, it was grandparents day and he didn't want to miss it (even though Katelyn did). He came home after school at 4pm and hit the couch sleeping. He slept most of the early evening and woke at 6:45pm complaining of a bad bad headache (near tears). One touch to the forehead confirmed my thoughts. I made a trip to the store to get a new bottle of Motrin (we used the other). By the time I made it home (about 15 minutes), he had already vomited twice. Motrin was given and he was banished to my bedroom where he could sleep and stay away from everyone. After midnight, he was very warm so more Motrin was given.

So far, Jacob & Jonathon have escaped the bug. Well, and Tim and I. I'm sure by Sunday we will be singing a different tune. I have so many things that I need to get done. I have plans that require me to be healthy and rested. And I know, I too will end up sick.

To top off the week, I didn't do as well as I had hoped on my Micro tests. My lab practical for Anatomy went well, 95%. I haven't heard on my lecture exam yet or on my physiology exam. Oh yes, these were all exams I was trying to study for all last week when my child decided he no longer believes in cribs in addition to my trip up North and then the case of the sick household. (blah)

Speaking of the ban on cribs, Jonathon has started to learn that "lay down" means right-this-very-minute. He has learned to fall asleep while rocking in the chair with big brother, laying on the couch, smack dab in the middle of the living room floor, and on my bed. However, he still refuses to fall asleep in his crib. Once he's asleep, I can transfer him over. And he's good to go until he wakes up. Then he just climbs right on out.

In other news, our photographs may be few and far between for a while. It seems that my darling daughter Katelyn had my camera in her hands and decided to drop it. The end result is the camera is now junk and momma is one very not-so-happy camper.
That camera was not cheap and our budget just can not handle a replacement at this time. Very disappointing.

So, other than that, things are going okay here. The kids have a long weekend so hopefully by Tuesday when they return to class (all four of them), they will all be feeling up to par. This weekend was going to be jam packed but considering the sick children, I'm not sure what we'll do.

I hope each of you are doing well.


Anonymous said...

Ewwww...ick. What a way to end a long week. I hope you all survive it and have no more casualties!

Definitely have little baby girl in our thoughts and prayers, too.


Nickie C. said...

Well it appears the bug hit the Chmiel house on Friday. Luckly only our little man was down. Rhett called me at 3:30 on Friday and told me he proceeded to barf all over her floor. Poor kid tried to make it to the proper place and didn't. I picked him up. He slept from about 4:00 until saturday morning...fever, the works. Saturday he was sluggish with fever and a bad headache then sunday he was fine..even wanted to go play in the game said it's going around horrible!

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