Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do you get when...

You have one toilet and three boys who have full bladders?

Give up?

As much as I'd like to say I heard this joke from someone else, I can't. This evening, my nephew is over. After sending the boys to bed, I started hearing some ruckus. I went upstairs to see what was going on when I was met by three very guilty looking boys.

And then, the stare began. Me at them. Them at me. Back and forth, their eyes darted. Who was going to be the one to tell me what was going on.

Stepping forward was Austin who exclaimed, "Mom, the boys peed on me!" Stunned, and shaking my head side to side, I asked him to repeat himself. Again, he said, "Mom, the boys peed on me!" As quick as he could repeat his statement, denials came flying from the other two boys' mouths.

In the end, I had to remind them that it doesn't matter how many boys have to use the bathroom. There is a limit of one boy per bathroom rule. Surely, if one boy can't use the restroom without spraying the tank, floor, wall or seat making a mess, neither can three boys!

So, the answer to my question is... a wet leg!

Apparently the two boys on the outside tried to look away and miscalculated their aim. In turn, the boy in the middle (Austin) ended up with a wet leg!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha ... boys! Cute post.

Unknown said...

Ha! Well that is one point in the girls column...we don't ever have that problem!

So funny, though!

Kitti said...

Make them go out back! My boys think it's funny to pee their name on the back fence and there's lots of room so no one gets peed on! And no clean up either ;)

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