Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sometimes, life feels impossible. Like nothing will ever go your way. Sometimes, it just plain sucks.

And then, a glimmer of hope catches your eye. A possibility. A chance.

That's what I saw tonight. A glimmer. A little hope. A chance that being accepted into the Nursing program was a little closer than it was just a few months ago.

I made the grade for my A&P class!

Only a few more weeks until I know my true fate of whether I am accepted or not. Lord, give me patience.

In other news, PLEASE keep us in your thoughts. We had a pretty difficult week. Of course this on top of the uncertain outcome that lies ahead of us in a few weeks. We are just one of thousands who are affected by the Big Three issues.

Unfortunately, those who are not directly affected by this are very swift to make broad and often uninformed judgements about GM workers. To say this gets under my skin would be an understatement. Not all GM workers are lazy and overpaid union workers. Not all GM workers sit around doing nothing all day long. Not all GM workers buy expensive cars & fancy houses. Most GM workers are humble people just trying to make an honest living for their family. And for those who claim GM workers "make too much money", I ask you this question.

If you had been offered a job to work for GM and you were offered the wages that they make (which most people believe is far more than they really do make)...would you turn down the job? Somehow, I doubt many people would decline a position because you might have a higher wage than others. We've actually talked with people who didn't want to work in a factory, working the night shift and then have the balls gall to complain about the wages and benefits of GM workers.

There are people who do make the sacrifice to work in a factory, on the night shift.

Our family is a one-income family who depends on a GM job! Our future is uncertain. Our lives, more than likely, will be rocked to the core very soon. To say we are not very afraid of what the future holds for the lives of our five children as well as our own would be a lie.

Fear has set in. For us and thousands of others who depend on their job with the Big Three!


Jessica said...

Honey I'm praying for you. I'm affraid Mike's job may be on the line here shortly too. With TAC building parts for forgien cars they are taking a hit also. We are the families who are willing to take a night shift in a factory to support their family and all we can do is pray now.

Anonymous said...

AMEN! It's difficult to get in the Christmas spirit when every time you want 2 buy a gift for your child, you think - that could be the heat bill. Or, that could be dinner! UHG!

Dora said...

I think this attitude (other people make too much money, and irrational judgements) stems from the mentality that has been crammed down our throats for the past 8 years - everything is fear based....afraid that other people are going to get what we have, afraid that other people make more than us....its the "hoard" mentality and it's opposite from the abundance mentality.

On the other hand,

People are tired of golden parachutes, people are tired of other's having power (they're afraid of other people having power) and all of this is working its way to a head.

The bottom line is that all people, regardless of where they work are depending on a job or a handout and the pit is not bottomless. Consequences catch up with all choices and all people. That is what is happening. The sad truth is that many innocent people who are willing to work (like what you describe) are most often the ones to pay the debts of those that do the crime.

I'm truly sorry that your family is suffering.

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