Thursday, June 25, 2009

Heat Wave!

Whew, it sure is hot outside in this neck of the woods! I am having a difficult time with this heat. I remember as a kid being able to play outside for hours and hours. Now that I'm an adult, it is torture!

We are one of the few that don't have central air in our home. Instead, we are using a window unit with the hopes of cooling it down a little bit.

I've been over at the ambulance base for the last two nights. So far, we have been idle. Maybe it's my "luck" that I bring along with me.

We are still trying to figure out what we are going to do regarding GM and life. Hopefully something will surface soon to give us the direction that we are looking for. Unfortunately, it's becoming difficult to compromise when one person has so many stipulations. I'll just leave it at that.

I'm beginning to wonder if my "midlife crisis" is surfacing. It sure seems like things are just slowly falling away from what I "thought" I would have at this point in my life. It's difficult to explain. Even I get confused talking about it. :)

I hope (uh oh, we have a run)

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