Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July, already?

It's hard to believe that it's already the first week of July. It seems that the time has flown by these last few months.

Things are going okay. Busy, as usual.

The things on our plate seem to change often. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. The kids don't seem to be bothered by it, so I suppose that is a plus. Now if I could just quit finding grey hair, I'd be happy.

I haven't mastered the art of "letting things go" very easily. My stress level is surely way too high. I'm not sure that I know how to operate on anything less though.

I'm still in school. I feel like I'm making a career out of being a student. *sigh* I am debating on what path to follow for the fall but will soon have my mind made up and registered for classes.

I'm still in a summer class and have about three weeks left before I'm done with that. Next week I have to go in to give a speech. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate public speaking. Send me good thoughts. You know, the ones that help me to not be nervous!

I'm still working, a lot! I've put in to have my hours scaled back beginning mid August because I won't be able to keep up with everything if I don't.

As some may know, we have been looking for a different place to live. There isn't anything wrong with the location or house that we are in now. We just would like to find something that is ours instead of paying so much in rent every month to gain nothing. We've been hesitant to say anything, hoping not to get our hopes up or jinx ourselves; however, I think we may have found a place. We are suppose to go look at it Tuesday afternoon/evening. I will let everyone know what we find out, when we find anything out. It would involve us moving from our current town into another one about 15 miles away. It would put me closer to the ambulance and Tim farther from the Fire Department. Can we say conflict of interest. :)

Tim is still laid off from GM. He is suppose to return on Aug 10th. We shall see. That has been a nightmare that we can't seem to sort out or wake up from lately. I would like to go back to having a routine...and soon!

I ask that you send up some good thoughts for not only all of the changes that we are facing but also for our Niece. She is currently expecting her second child and we ask that you send up good thoughts that everything will turn out perfectly. She and her husband welcomed their first child, a precious Daughter, earlier this year. Sadly, she passed away. Please keep their family in your thoughts as they go through these next few months with great anticipation and some fear as well.

There really isn't much more to update everyone on. Emilee is learning to ride a "two wheeler" and can't decide if she likes it or not. The kids are playing outside from sun up until after dark. They love the outdoors.

The baby chicks have grown into grown chickens, well, and dinner. Quick story on that, Tim didn't think that anything would bother them. Needless to say, we are now six chickens short and a wild animal had a tasty dinner. Darn food chain!

Our gardens are doing great. We already have some of the crops coming on. Yum! I can't wait to have the fixings for a fresh salad!

We are gearing up for our yearly family camping trip. The kids are thrilled and I am, well, not. I'm ready for the break and ready to enjoy the time "away" but I am not looking forward to packing up everything to go. I'll survive though. I always do.

I hope that each of you enjoyed your holiday weekend. I spent mine working. Such is life, I suppose.

Keep in touch,

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