Saturday, October 3, 2009

Checking in...

Good afternoon to each of you! I hope this afternoon finds you all happy and healthy! If you're a MSU fan, I'm sure you're quite happy! :)

I wanted to touch base with everyone about what has been going on as of late. Most of you already know that Jacob had surgery Thursday. I want to THANK EACH OF YOU for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes that you have sent to us. It means more than you know. Tim and I are doing the best we can to not let fear creep into our thoughts but it's difficult. We should find out something late Monday afternoon or Tuesday. As soon as I know something, I'll let everyone else know too.

I also want to let you all know that in the event that you were not notified or if you feel that you haven't been kept "in the loop" it was not done with the intention of hurting your feelings. In order to keep our sanity and not having to repeat everything six hundred times, we have kept the updates and information coming via our face book page. If you are not a member of that page, send us a message and we will give you the information. I will do my best to keep this journal page updated as well.

Things have been quite busy and we feel like we are traveling in six directions at once. Not only has Tim been bounced from one shift to another, I'm still picking up shifts at the hospital, riding with the ambulance when I'm able, homeschooling the kids and working on my two college classes that I have this semester. On top of all of that, we have moved and had to have everything out of the rental house by the 1st of the month. Thankfully the owner has given us a few days extra to get the outside items out of there. Throw on everything that has gone on with Jacob this past week and the fact that my back has been out for a few weeks and you have one hefty mess!

So please, if you stop by the new house, BEWARE! There are boxes EVERYWHERE! We have the very basics put away but everything else is scattered through the house and stacked where ever there is room to put it. On a normal basis, we don't choose to live in such turmoil. Unfortunately, until things settle down some and I am able to lift, move and put things away, the house will be in turmoil. But hey, if you do stop by, the sofa and love seat are cleared off and after a year of dealing with "regular TV" we now have DirecTV! :) Our goal is to keep everything that is boxed up or not put away to be kept in the dining room. Slowly, we will get it all taken care of. I pray that by Thanksgiving, our house will feel like a HOME!

On a side note, we have two male beagles who are now a year old. If you or anyone you know would like them, PLEASE let me know. They are FREE. They were given to us and I just can't handle anything else on my plate. They NEED to go!

Have a great day and I will be in touch with you all soon!

As a side note, I'm not going to proof read this so forgive any medication induced typing or grammar errors. :)


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