Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thankful Day 9

Today, I am thankful for my willpower!

Place a box of chocolates in front of me and I'll push them away. Chips and candy, not a problem. Set a can of Mt. Dew down in my sight and I'm all over it faster than you can blink.

I am a Mt Dew addict.

Last night, I sat thinking about how different my body is now. How much weight I have put on over the years. I understand that after ten pregnancies (five losses), months and months of bedrest, and five children that my body will change. However, I can't contribute all of the changes to the above.

I have a habit of drinking can after can after can of soda. Which, in return, has given me a caffeine high 24/7 as well as a lot of extra weight to carry around.

So last night, I made a goal once again to avoid all soda. Today, I have been successful. I have a case of it in the dining room, cold ones in the refridgerator, and could have had it during our trip out for dinner...but I didn't.

So, Thank you Willpower!

Anyone else out there given up soda? How did you do it? Did you notice a difference in yourself afterwards? I could use some encouraging words!


Amy said...

Have you tried Diet Mt. Dew? When I joined Weight Watchers I couldn't justify drinking all of my points so I started drinking diet coke. I used to HATE diet pop. Then I found Coke Zero and my prayers were answered. I just told myself it was diet or nothing so I learned to like it. My hubby gave up pop a few times but he always goes back after a while. He would just replace it with Lemonade which had just as many calories so I never understood it anyway! Good luck with trying to quit. I think I gave it up for Lent once and it was tricky. Nothing like giving up ice cream though. You should have seen my dad and I on Easter morning with our spoons in the ice cream container! hahahaha, classic!

Kitti said...

Hey Bec, I have also stopped drinking soda! It's hard a first I must say but mine came easy because of my kidney problems. I was addicted to Coke (not the drug, LOL!) After my first bout with kidney stones the main thing the doc told me to stop doing was drinking caffiene (or any soda). So I stopped cold turkey. After a while I started drinking Sprite, I LOVE Sprite! But then I heard you could lose like 10 to 15 pounds by just stopping soda all together so I have. Every now and then I do treat myself. Maybe 2x a month so not too bad.
I do wish you the best in quitting! And please, please DO NOT start drinking diet soda. It so much worse for you. I can send you some info if you need it. Aspartame is a horrible, horrible thing and can do really bad things to your body. So just say NO to diet soda!

Fourgirlsandoneboy said...

I drink diet. While the aspartame theory is there, researchers say that it is only if you drink ALOT of it a day...like a 2 liter or more. However, I do think that diet doesn't quench your need and therefore you may drink more or eat more. Not sure, just what I've found.

What I have learned about any kind of caffeine in general is how bad it is for women in particular. If you've ever noticed huge changes in your breast (not pregnancy changes), it may be attributed to caffeine. With my mom being a b-cancer survivor, any little lump I find is a big deal. So, a few years back I had one and immediately had it checked out. Now, I have to have routine mammograms at 29! (Note: while I'm supposed to, I haven't done a good job with that.) The specialist told me that if you have painful breasts or breasts with cysts, it can be from caffeine and you should try cutting it out of your diet.
Sorry to ramble, just thought I'd share.

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