Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stop and smell the flowers!

While glancing at my planner, I am quickly reminded that before long, the beauty of the warm, sunny, summer days will soon be over.

Earlier this week I was on my way to check the garden. As I hurried along at a rather brisk pace, Emilee ran up beside me.

"Momma, smell this pretty flower," she said.

For a brief moment, I contemplated uttering, "Honey, I don't have time. Momma's in a hurry."

But, I didn't.

My quick pace came to a complete halt. I knelt down, looked into her precious, innocent eyes, leaned forward and took a deep fulfilling breath.

Once again, she nurtured my soul.

Thank you, sweetheart. Momma needed that, I thought to myself.

At that moment, I was reminded that the time I have been given with my children will soon be a distant memory, just as these summer days. Summer will end and crisp, autumn mornings will arrive to greet us.

Don't let the precious moments that fill your life pass you by.

Stop and smell the flowers.

You will be glad you did!

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