Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Please Pray!

I know it's been a while since we updated! So much has changed since I have been here last.

I will update all of that at another time; however, I am coming to you now to ask you for your prayers!

A few weeks ago we found a lump under Jacob's left arm. It continued to get larger, which prompted a visit to our family physician. After meeting with him, Jacob was scheduled for stat bloodwork and an ultrasound that day. He was also started on an antibiotic in the hopes that it was an infection causing enlarged lymph nodes. The ultrasound showed at least 3 enlarged lymph nodes with the largest being over 3.5 cm. The lymph nodes did not respond after six days of antibiotics. We called his doctor who then called the surgeon. Jacob was then scheduled to see the surgeon the next day.

We met with him today. After examining Jacob, he looked at me and said, "I'm going to call my office and have them put him on the surgery schedule for tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow morning, Thursday, Jacob will undergo lymph node removal. After removing the affected nodes, they will send them off to pathology. We should have the final pathology report late Friday afternoon or Monday morning. This will allow us to figure out what is going on in his body.

PLEASE pray for Jacob and our entire family! We definately need them!


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