Monday, June 14, 2010

The fog has lifted

Shoulders, heavy with burdens, are tender to the touch. Unable to move freely, being held back by invisible restraints. The mind, boggled with information, tries to focus. The spirit, feeling defeated, shuts down. Where have I gone and why am I here? The words echo as they fall upon deaf ears.

I struggle, remembering I must breathe. I grasp at any ray of hope, grateful to have another moment. My eyes search for acceptance. Where is this place I have found? Who have I become?

Dropping to my knees, I lay my burdens at His feet. For he knows my deepest fears and my greatest sorrows. Before him, I am reminded I no longer must travel this journey alone. The burdens I once carried have been taken away. The pain, simply too much to bear, has lifted. The spirit has begun to rise.

The decision to let go and let Him take over has blessed my life greatly. No longer do I carry the heavy burdens alone, for He is there even in the darkest hours to lend a helping hand. In fact, the words I believed to have fallen upon deaf ears, were not unheard. He heard them. He listened. He acted. He granted. He provides.

When all hope seems lost, fall to your knees. Lay your burdens at His feet and prepare to be amazed at the abundance of blessings He will bestow upon you.

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