Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Simple Woman

When I hear others say things positive things about me, I still have doubt. I don't see what they do. I was never told those things. I was never praised for anything. Nothing I ever did was ever good enough. So through the years, I not only let others beat me down but I also did so too. It has taken a lot of soul searching and many conversations with wonderful people to allow myself to think that maybe, just maybe, I am worthy. I am finally beginning to believe that I do have desirable qualities.

Fact is, I'm a simple woman with simple needs, desires, and goals. To love and be loved unconditionally is important to me. To feel desired, respected, emotionally supported, and encouraged is important to me. To have trust, honesty and communication in a relationship is important to me. Unfortunately, what I had been shown through the years and accepted to be the norm were not these traits. Wow, have my eyes been opened.

And now, I stand with my eyes wide open, in awe of what I have been shown and the possibilities before me.

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