Friday, June 18, 2010


Jagged-ripped in pieces and thrown to the ground. My eyes watching as each piece falls and lands as it may. No control to place them back where they belong. It takes time, time I'm unable to predict. Time, I'm unable to control. My arms, extended, reaching out hoping to capture the next piece before it falls. Anxious to gently place it back into where it once was. Where it belongs. Wanting to feel whole, complete- yet still feeling so torn.

Desperate to wake up...

Standing there, helpless and hopeless as each part was ripped from my chest. Watching intently in disbelief as others walked upon the remenents of my heart as if they were a welcome mat. Their footprints, forever embedded. The heart, once wore upon my sleeve, has been ripped away.

Pleading... release me from this nightmare...

Silently, I wept for what might have been. The dreams and hopes I had once envisioned were gone. The life I had built, giving my body-my mind-my soul, was only a dream in and of itself. The harsh reality was that the dream was over and it was now time to wake up.

Eighteen years have come and gone. They have shaped me into the person I was.
I was...
I was...

I no longer am!

Slowly, I emerge from the past 18 years, rediscovering myself.

The one who never was is now becoming!

I still wear my heart on the same sleeve, although now, it stands out with a unique scar for all to see. I am who I am. Nothing more, nothing less.

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